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NDVI Imaging - Precision Agriculture

Using customised Canon S100 cameras we can capture imagery in which the red channel is replaced with near infra red. In combination with an unconverted RGB S100 we can produce NDVI maps showing the intensity of vegetative activity. The system also allows georeferencing of the data with RTK precision, giving sub decimetre precision to the final product.

NIRGB image of Penkenna. Note the seaweed in the foreground reflecting strongly in the NIR band
The same image processed to reveal intensity of near-infra red. Active vegetation shades from yellow to red in this colour mapping
NIR-G-B orthomosaic of nature reserve and playing fields in early spring.
The same image processed to an NDVI index. Here vegetative activity is shading from red to green for the most active areas. Much of the long grass in the nature reserve in the centre of the image is covered with the previous seasons dead overgrowth, and is hence showing low activity. Trees coming into leaf in the woodland area to the bottom right are made obvious in this analysis. Blossoming Hawthorne trees show up as black in the map - the flowers absorb rather than reflect in the NIR band.